Samaritans Purse 2019

  • by St Mary's Church Web Portal
  • 20 Nov, 2019

Samaritans Purse 2019

A total of 228 shoe-boxes have been collected. They will be going to either Albania or Liberia. 

A huge thank you to all those who gave of their time in making this possible.

Further details on their website


by St Mary's Web Portal 16 May 2022

On Sunday 15th May, we had a very special Family Communion service, as welcomed three of our children to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. Imogen, Isabel and Jack had all spent time preparing for this special day and we were delighted to welcome them into this new stage of their life of faith.

Children are invited to participate in our separate FunDay Sunday activities at 10.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month and attend our more family-friendly services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month (5th Sundays vary).

by St Mary's Web 13 February 2022
It was such a joy to have the Choir leading our singing again today.  We welcomed back many of our former Choir members with the addition of several new members. 

The Choir will sing at our more traditional services of Holy Communion at 10.15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

by St Mary's Online Network 4 September 2021

Christian Aid will be making a display of boats at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. Everyone is invited to contribute a boat, with a prayer or message to world leaders.

There will also be a display in Leeds, to which MPs will be invited. Here, at St Mary’s, we have decided to join in with this important installation to demonstrate the depths of people’s concern about the climate change emergency and, as Christians, to stress the responsibilities we share as stewards of God’s creation.

So we will be providing opportunities at Church events to make your boat, but we have also included details below if you would rather make one at home. 

 You could also sign the Christian Aid climate justice petition here:

by St Mary's Web Portal 18 July 2021

You may not have realised it, but a dedicated group of volunteer supervisors have been enabling us to open Church to provide a place for people to come to pray, to weep or to give thanks, for the last year (whenever restrictions have allowed). Apart from a few regulars, we have seen many members of the wider Garforth community come in, often in times of desperate need. It has been such an important service to local people, so thank you to everyone who has been involved.

Tomorrow, 19th July, we will be able to resume our practice of having Church open every day from Monday to Saturday, 9am-3pm.

Please do come into Church at any time during these hours, if you need a space to be quiet, to open your heart to God, to pray or light a candle. All are welcome.

by St Mary's Web Portal 18 July 2021

In our main service today, we presented Revd Jonathan for the gift from St Mary’s in celebration of his ordination to the priesthood on 26th June. The chalice, paton and candleholder had been specially made for him and inscribed underneath with the words ‘Ordained Priest 26/6/21’.


It may have been 3 weeks late, but we hope it was worth the wait!


Congratulations Jonathan and thank you for your ministry here over the last year.

by St Mary's Web Portal 1 May 2021

At our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 25th April, Revd Jane offered a review of 2020 and encouraged us to look forward with hope and confidence.


A copy of the full text may be downloaded HERE.

by St Mary's Web Portal 24 April 2021

On Friday April 30th 2021, it is the 125th anniversary of the Peckfield Mine Disaster. The memorial to the 63 men and boys who died in the explosion is in the Churchyard at St Mary’s, Micklefield. As well as the 43 victims who lived in Micklefield there are recorded those who travelled to work at Peckfield Colliery from the surrounding villages, 8 of whom were from Garforth.


Edward Goodall (42)

Joseph Jackson (30)

Walter Jackson (28)

Raynor Scrimshaw (27)

Arthur Simpson (24)

John Simpson (26)

George Simpson (21)

Henry Tallett (30)


Each of the 63 victims has been researched and information about them is now on display in St Mary’s Church, Micklefield (open Wed-Sun 10am-4pm).


The first explosion ripped through the mine at 7am, followed at 7.20am by the second and largest explosion. At 7.20am on Friday 30th April, the church bells at St Mary’s Church, Micklefield and at St Mary’s Church, Garforth, will be tolled 63 times in memory of those who died.


St Mary’s Church, Micklefield are holding three separate services to remember those who died. All are welcome to attend


Friday 30th April

7am Act of Remembrance at the Memorial, St. Mary’s Church, Mickefield.

7:30pm Outdoor* Memorial Service for victims and their families. Wreaths laid and candles placed around the Memorial.

Preacher: Archbishop of York. (*weather permitting)


Sunday 2nd May

9:30am Requiem Eucharist for all who have died in the Mining Industry.

by St Mary's Web Portal 24 October 2020

A Season of Remembering in 2020

November is traditionally a time of remembering, when we would gather in church to think about those we have loved but see no longer and also to honour those who have died or been injured in active service.

But this year, we will be doing things differently, and although it will be different, it does not mean that we will not still be remembering them.  We can take time to stop, think, and remember, wherever we are; it need not be in the church building.

St Mary’s Church, Garforth, extends an invitation for you to:

·      Join us online for A Time to Remember service - streamed live on Facebook @stmarysgarforth on Sunday 1st November at 4pm . If you have lost someone in the last year and you would like their name to be read out, please get in touch (see below). The service will also be available after 6pm on our website and YouTube channel.

·      Join us online for A Community Act of Remembrance - online on Remembrance Sunday 8th November at 10.45am , involving local community representatives. Tune in to watch on FaceBook or YouTube by searching for St Mary’s Church, Garforth, or visit our website:

·      Drop in to our church to find a quiet place to remember, pray and light and candle, between 10am and 12noon on Wednesdays and Saturdays. (NB we occasionally need to close on Wednesdays for funerals).

·      Visit to help you pray and remember those who you knew and loved but have lost, either recently or long ago.

·      Visit to help you pray and remember the fallen wherever you may be.

·      Light the Spire in memory of a loved one. Requests can be made via our website:

·      Request a prayer card for yourself, or someone you know, to use at home.

·      Get in touch if we can help at all, even just in providing a listening ear.

To contact us, please email us at or call Revd Jane Brown on 0113 286 3737.

We hope you can join us, in some way, and experience the love and peace of God at this special, if difficult, time of year.

by St Mary's Church Web Portal 26 September 2020


will be held on  Saturday 14th November 2020 at 10.30am. 

 Normally, of course, we would hold our Annual Meeting in person, but this year we are unable to do so. It will be held over Zoom video meeting, with phone-in options.  We are investigating ways to make voting as inclusive as possible.

As we begin the preparations for the meeting, we are required to give notice of the revision of our Electoral Roll - that is the list of people who are members of St Mary's and able to vote at our Annual Meeting.  Being on the Electoral Roll demonstrates belonging and commitment to St Mary's Church.

You can join St Mary’s electoral roll if you are baptised and aged 16 or over.  You also need to be a member of the Church of England (or a Church in communion with it) and resident in the parish or regularly attending St Mary’s (more details of exactly what this means can be found on the form).

 Each year we review our electoral roll before our Annual Meeting, usually held in May, but delayed this year for obvious reasons.  We now need to give notice that the Church Electoral Roll will be revised, beginning on Saturday the Tenth day of October 2020, and ending on Saturday the Twenty Fourth day of October 2020.

  The official notice is available here.

 If you would like to request a form to join the Electoral Roll, please email:

More information about the Annual Meeting will follow in due course.

by St Mary's Web Portal 5 September 2020


We will also continue with our services online and over the phone. Please bear with us over the next months or so, as we adapt to the new arrangements. We have set out the service times for the next few weeks below: 


8am Holy Communion

9am Phone-in Service

10am Morning Worship, live on Facebook (and uploaded later to the web

and YouTube)  


8am Holy Communion, in Church

9am Phone-in Service

10am Morning Worship, live on Facebook etc…  

SUNDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER (subject to the arrangements having worked as planned)  

8am Holy Communion, in Church

9am Phone-in Service

9.30am Holy Communion, in Church

11.15am Morning Worship, live on Facebook etc.  

Once we are happy that the arrangements for the two earlier services are working well, the 8am, 9.30am and 11.15am services will all be open for people to attend in Church. 

The phone-in service will continue and we will still live-stream the 11.15am service.   


From 16th September onwards, our midweek services will follow a set format:  


9.30am Holy Communion, in Church

8pm Night Prayer, live on Facebook 


8pm Phone-in Night Prayer  


As we can only fit a small proportion of those who normally join us on a Sunday, we will need to operate a booking system (for Sunday services only) to ensure that we can manage capacity safely. 

We have worked hard to develop a system that allows fair access to all. 

To book a place at a service in Church on a Sunday morning, please either

1.   TELEPHONE 0113 287 7553 and leave a message clearly stating:

a.  your name,

b.  telephone number,

c.  which service you wish to attend (you may wish to say you will attend any, but give a clear preference for one)

d.  and how many places you wish to book for your household.


2.   EMAIL stating:

a.  your name,

b.  which service you wish to attend (you may wish to say you will attend any, but give a clear preference for one)

c.  and how many places you wish to book for your household.  

-        You must leave your message by 6pm on the Wednesday before the Sunday in which you wish to attend.

-        You may only book for one week at a time and only for one household.

-         Please assume you have a place, for your preferred service, unless someone calls/emails to let you know we have no space.

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